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Stretched by Faith …

For most of us, we have been raised in an era where our society has been obsessed with on-the-spot gratification. This instant fix has become the snare of our society. We have become a society that feel they are entitled. It is this very thing that has left us as a whole in defiance and totally unruly.

We have allowed rebellion to take root and form who we have become. Our lusts have driven us to the point of no return. We need the latest, the best no matter the cost.

If you look into God’s way of thinking, on-the-spot obsession for instant gratification is not part of His language. You can never produce Godly character, let alone faith when your wish list requires nothing of substance on your part. Where do you need faith when everything you want or need requires nothing on your part?

So, then it should not surprise you, that the first thing He starts to address in your life is the removal of “self seeking, self pleasing.” We have learnt the ways of the world and tried to get God to adjust His ways meeting us in our state of immaturity. God wants to produce a spiritual significance in our lives. Godly character and a people who will walk by faith. That is taking hold of the unseen and walking towards it.

It takes hard work to produce this, not to mention it is not the quick fix drive up, place your order, and get your immediate gratification.

The characteristic of faith is foundational to living a successful Christian life. A life that has set itself apart from the things of this world. A life that recognizes the value of living in contentment, being satisfied with where we are at, what we have, and where we are going. This is the picture of what He says is true success.

So, when we come to our Lord, we come to him wanting relationship where we are not in a hurry. No longer are we pulling up to the drive thru window getting what we want and driving away. We actually pull up, park, get out walk into our place of meeting, sit down, and have real time of fellowship. We sit at a table and share a meal. A time where we share our hearts, a place where we commune together.

Waiting is one of the most difficult traits in life. We need to be persistent in our prayers believing that He will answer us when the timing is right. Patience is an action word and requires us to take hold of the fact that He is God and we are not. He really does see our future, and our confidence needs to be placed in our relationship that we have with Him.

The way that we activate faith is by stretching it. So, when we do not get what we want, it does not mean its not coming. It just means the timing is not yet for us to understand. There is great value in learning to be patient.

There is a saying that goes like this: “God will always lead you, Satan will always push you.”

Think about that the next time your agitated, when you feel you need an answer right now. Learn the art of stillness waiting in His presence, waiting for Him to speak.

Prayer: Dear Lord we are grateful that you are patient with us. You see us in our state of being; “self seeking, self pleasing,” knowing that we need to come full circle. You invest Your time in our worlds and lives to transform us into who You say we are. You are relentless in this pursuit. Thank-You-Lord!!

Verse: ‘Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. (Hebrews 10:36 NLT)

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