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Firmly Fixed …

My friends, when My word plays a vital role in your life, you will be vibrant in all that you do and speak. My word when it is applied to your life becomes your direction, instruction, and guiding light.

It is given to you freely, but in the same way you must catch it, allowing My Spirit to transform your inner most being. As you learn and teach your soul it will encourage you, convert and change you.

Nothing else compares to the power that is unlocked when it is applied to one’s life. What is your attitude towards My word? Is it something that you treasure, guard over, comply with? Have you allowed it to lead you forth on solid ground? Is the soil in your heart filled with My word, or is it contaminated by the things of this world?

Whatever you deem as a valuable asset you put certain things in place to make sure that you have done due-diligence to ensure that it is well taken care of. Am I right or wrong? What about your heart? Do you place the same value on your daily activity? Have you set your heart on a pilgrimage to follow Me no matter the cost, or are you entertaining the things of this world?

If the world and its ways have crept in, then you over time, have become contaminated by the desires within your own heart.

My word needs to be firmly fixed in your hearts. It is to be treasured above everything else. When you walk through rough terrain, where you see the darkness all around, it will be there to guide your feet, and to light your path. As you learn to know My word, the very scriptures upon the pages, you will be able to tell right from wrong, establishing My solid foundation not easily swayed.

My word when applied, will search the deep things within your heart. It is only My word that knows what is concealed. Man, himself cannot begin to gain comprehension as to what is within the chambers of his own heart. Only when My Spirit is applied, can there be an examination, as to what are the true intentions of the heart.

My word will keep your heart from becoming stagnated, full of decay.

My word at times will be like a fire that comes and burns. This process, though painful, brings all the dross hidden within your hearts to the surface, so that we are able to acknowledge it and deal with it. Only in this fire can you become what I have always said that you were. It in turn takes that which is not holy and burns it away, leaving you free from the dross that you were currently walking with.

My word litterly blows things up because of the power that is released because of it. It is like dynamite, like Dunamis power, that releases a force that cannot be stopped. Obstacles, that stand in the way of My word, will be removed by My word.

Many of My people do not fully understand the power that is theirs. If they did, they would not remain defeated, but instead they would have been victorious in the situations that they have faced. They did not understand My word, therefore they did not understand the power that was being released to them.

For you to remain in My blessings it requires for you to take My word and continue to put it into practise. It requires that you treasure My scriptures, filling your hearts to overflowing. Allowing it the power, to transform and change you into all I have called you to be.

Think of My word as a seed that when it falls on good soil creates a harvest of blessings. I Am glorified when you bear much fruit. Your life was created to be a testimony as to all that I have done for you. Our relationship, was designed to touch all those lives that are around you with My love. You are not able to give what in fact you have not been given.

If we in fact, do not spend time together, and build and transform your life, you are an empty shell with no authority to help anyone.

Today as I speak this forth, I see a storm brewing. This storm will require your ability to be “Firmly Fixed” to My Rock. If not, your structure is about to come tumbling down. There is a force behind this storm that is motivated with greed and control. Many of My people have built upon the foundation of sand and have called it My Rock. They are greatly deceived.

There is no stopping the direction that I am moving those who are following Me in this hour. The truth shall be seen by all. Many are being anchored to My foundation in this hour, and just as many are still believing that they still have time.

This is the greatest tool that the enemy is using. This misconception that there is still time. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are being lulled into the trap; the web of lies has blinded them from the truth. At this point it is easier for them to turn the blind eye, and pretend that they are above this storm.

These are the very ones that will get you destroyed and killed. Do not be swayed by their over confidence. They come across like they have it altogether until you take a closer look. This over confidence has set them up “To Have A Great Fall.”

Remember that when you take and apply My word it brings life to where death once dwelt. Open up your hearts and meditate upon the life that flows from the pages of My word. It will penetrate to the very core within you. This revisor is a strength that when needed will be there. When satin attacks, there will be a resilience in the onslaught, that the devil is getting ready to release on mankind.

There are many in this hour who do not see the need for My word and My ways. This very neglect will prove to be a costly mistake. When they need what they were offered, yet refused, they will not have My word hid in their hearts. This is the tragedy; they will not be able to withstand the storm and will suffer a horrific fall. Their house of cards, will, in a moment be brought to nothing. All because they neglected to establish My word.

When My word is applied it enriches you, encourages you, establishes you, and makes up for any lack that you were facing. Any person who applies My word will lack nothing. It makes you rich beyond measure. Full to overflowing with enough to give others. The questions that you have can all be found in My book. The answers to all of life’s questions can be found

… if you are willing to search it out, you will see the truth and it shall set you free.

Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast. (Psalms 119:89-90 ESV)

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