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The Power to Over-Come …

As My people, you have been given one of the greatest advantages to attain victory on all sides. You have been given the ability to overcomes the onslaught assault that the enemy uses against you.  The ability to discern the enemy and his strategies will allow you to keep moving in a forward direction, untouched by his wicked schemes.

When you stay close to Me and My ways and allow My book of instructions to be your gauge it will maneuver you out of harms way. It does not come to you automatically. It requires effort on your part to be in union with Me. It is in this place that you will see and understand the importance to being obedient to My word.

It is in this place that you will see and understand the importance to being obedient to My word

My plan operates in a manner that you will be victorious when you apply My teachings to your life. Allowing My Spirit to lead your times with Me. Do not assume, ASK and you shall receive the areas that I am wanting to draw your attention too. It is learning to be disciplined, that you have been given a victorious mind. Your part is simple. You can not sit idle and expect it to work. You need to activate it or nothing will change.

When your mind is controlled by My Spirit your flesh is no longer the driving force. It is in submission to My Spirit and the battle for your thoughts has been won. The mind that you have, needs to be guarded over. You will need to always be a good Gate-Keeper, stopping the battle at the entry point. When you take aggressive action Satan will retreat in defeat.

When you take aggressive action Satan will retreat in defeat

When you fill your heart and mind with My word and the knowledge of My Son, the enemy will not be able to wear you down, and make you ineffective for My Kingdom’s sake. No longer will you become spiritually weary and faint in your mind. When you know My word, it becomes your greatest weapon in the hour of need. You will be ready for battle because you took My word and put it to use.

Satan’s objective is to wear you down spiritually, physically, mentally. He desires to weaken your faith enabling him power to overtake you in your weakness. It is the only way he gains access to you. For his plan to work, you have to empower him, to defeat you. When you stand guard and know My word, My ways, and the power that you have been entrusted he will always be defeated.

Recognize that the battles that you have faced to this point, are not even close to the battles that you are about to face. Satan is launching one of the greatest battles against My people that the world and has ever seen. If your mind is at all stuck in the things of this world you will never be able to stand when you need it the most.

If your mind is at all stuck in the things of this world you will never be able to stand when you need it the most

A well-disciplined mind will recognize the attack and will refute it with My word. As you stand in these moments and gain victory you will gain the upper hand. Remember life is not about you but all those who need what I have entrusted to you. They are counting on you gaining the victory so that they to can become victorious in their battles as well. You have no authority until you yourself have overcome. Then and only then can you effectively wage war and win.

Remember that I have never set you up for failure but for victory. The victory is there for you to take hold of. The question remains, will you invest the time required and turn from what has never worked, to what has always worked. Your investment has a huge return. It will cost you everything, but in return, you will also gain all that you have ever needed.

I see the battles that you will soon face. It is My desire that you are warned in advance to the strategies and plans that the enemy is getting ready to unleash on the world. Weariness is one of his greatest weapons that he will use against My people. In the hour that you find yourself in it requires break-through. My word says that when it tarries you need to be able to wait for it, for it will surely come.

In this time of waiting your greatest weapon against the enemy is that My timing is never late. I am using every circumstance that you find yourselves in to build within you a character that can stand the test of time. You can rest in this truth “I Am Never Late.”

You can rest in this truth “I Am Never Late”

This is your victory in this hour just waiting to happen. Activate it now and allow it to take hold deep with in your spirit. No longer will you be overcome by discouragement, where your heart has been overtaken by fear, doubt, unbelief. Instead of having no hope, because your confidence is in My ability, you will be filled with hope.

In this time of preparation for what is coming do a spiritual inventory. Allow Me the ability to show you ahead of time those areas that you need to let go of. Not everything in your lives produces good fruit. Ask Me to search your heart and reveal anything that stands in the way of your victory. Once you have received those areas that I have pin pointed, lay them down and just walk away.

It is really hard for you to be aggressive and win the battle when your own lives are divided in where you align your affections. The world has crept into many of your lives unnoticed, undetected. It is time for a house cleaning to take place where you are no longer divided. This is how you over-come and become victorious. You break the cycle by being aware of the tactics when you discern the truth. It has always been designed to set you free.

You break the cycle by being aware of the tactics when you discern the truth 

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. (Isaiah 40:28-29 ESV)

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