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Finding The True God…

For a long time, Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach them, and without the Law to instruct them. (2 Chronicles 15:3 NLT)

  1. Successful living can only be found in God
  2. It is impossible to have success when we are without God

True success that is recognized by God is found in His word

Listen to what Joshua 1:8 says;

Let the words from the book of the law be always on your lips. Meditate on them day and night so that you may be careful to live by all that is written in it. If you do, as you make your way through this world, you will prosper and always find success. (Joshua 1:8 Voice)

For us to live lives where we walk in the authority that we have been called to walk in, we must understand who we are, and what we have received because of it. You will never live a courageous life that is built on a confidence in who God is, and what He has done if you have never spent the time to find out.

Our strength and confidence comes out of who we are not, and what we are not capable of doing. I cannot accomplish anything of any value in my own strength that has an eternal significance. We are called into boldness out of our weakness. You need to catch this part. Apart from Christ we can do nothing.

Any fruit that we bear outside of Christ is worthless

Listen to what John 15:5 says;

I am the vine, and you are the branches. You must continue to live in me and I must continue to live in you. Only if you do that will you make plenty of fruit. That is because you can do nothing without me. (John 15:5 EASY)

So, to recap, our successful life that we desire does not come out of the world and its ways. It does not establish our true future, or our success. It is not based on anything that the world calls success. True success is based upon who you are in Christ, and because of that, the authority that you have been given access to.

It is then also clear, that it is impossible to have true success when we are in fact walking with the world and its ways. This is not success, if at the end of your days you have forfeited your own soul because of it.

Self confidence in self, will lead you to destruction

It is because of who we are that we can with boldness declare that we have a genuine confidence in God. Gods word can be seen as true pillars, that we can stand strong in. We are left with a knowing that He who has wrote it, will back it with His seal that cannot be broken. That is a covenant that has been set in place, that when we take hold of it, our weakness becomes our greatest strength.

We, like Joshua, have the same set of guidelines set before us. If all we do is read the word and yet it is not on our lips, we have in fact become lip service unto the Lord. Operating with no power. It is when we allow His word to be in front of us, beside us, above us, underneath us, where we are totally surrounded by His word, it will become the very thing that we have digested into our hearts that will have empowered us.

It will become the very thing that we have digested into our hearts that will have empowered us

Where we spend our time matters. How we spend our hours of leisure is crucial to understanding what is at stake if we get this wrong. The world and the god of this age will deceive you into complacency where it has lulled you to sleep. We need to be accountable to where we spend our time, and why it is so important.

Good in good out. Garbage in garbage out. From the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks. You determine whether you will walk in victory, or in failure. What you meditate upon will determine this very thing. This is the dividing line that most people do not recognize. Your action will come forth bearing fruit, good or bad. There is no middle ground on this.

There is no grey area where we are able to hide behind

When we take the word and observe it, and live our lives according to it, then and only then do we encounter the “One True God.” Out of this place the promises of God are clear and right to the point. This is where we are given the success that His word has promised.

We are not exempt from problems here in this life, agreed. Yet it is His word that has gone before us, where He will walk with us, and as He does, we become victorious because of it. His word enables us to deal with anything, and take full advantage of His presence and His promises that the world can never offer.

Even when we face persecution on all sides it cannot steal what we have been given and who we have become. We have been grafted into His Kingdom and we have become more than conquers because of it.

Listen to what Romans 8:36-37 says;

As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:36-37 ESV)

What this means is that no matter how hard they try and destroy your life they have no authority. They cannot touch you in the midst of where you are called to be, and the things that you are called to do. They do not hold your final breath in their hands …

Only God has that control

Listen to what Joshua 1:5 says;

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. (Joshua 1:5 ESV)

Honestly do you believe this promise? This is where the separation takes place. See the dividing line, and pay attention to what you are being shown here. On one side of the line, you have those who know of God but do not hold a correct relationship with Him. His word has not been stored up in their hearts. They are weak and feeble at the first sight of trouble.

Their knees knock together in terror

On the Other side of the line, you have those who over the years have used their time wisely and have built a relationship where they know God. They have built their live upon His word, and have filled their hearts to the point that they were enlarged because of it. They have allowed His word to stretch them forward, and to grow into the mighty men and women of God who are clear as to who their God is.

One operates in authority, the other operates in passivity. One operates in faith, the other operates in fear. One operates in activating the word, and the other operates in unbelief.

You and you alone get to choose which one you will walk in

One will draw you closer to God, the other further away. Take this picture to heart for you cannot have both.

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