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Dark Cloud – Dark Horsemen …

May 18, 2024 represent 40 days since the eclipse on April 08, 2024

I was awoken in the early morning hours where I was shot up in bed where I would be looking at the clock. The time of the clock was 2:23 – 2:24 (223-224) It was the split-second timing that caught my eye. I saw the 2:23 and as I saw the clock it immediately changed to 2:24. What I did not understand was just how significant this would become.

What I did not understand was just how significant this would become

At the time my first thought was that it represented Habakkuk 2:2-3

I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. (Habakkuk 2:1-3 NKJV)

Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry

As the day would proceed it would not be until the evening when I would get full clarity to what I had seen.

We are coleaders to a housefire Church. At our meeting that night we had people from America, Kamloops and Kelowna in our time together.

It was during worship where I was taken into a vision where I started to hear the Lord speak. He said that He was coming to cleanse His house. There was a several second pause before I would hear Him speak again.

He Then spoke saying that no one was going to enjoy what is about to take place. I took it to mean on a much broader scale.

It was at that moment that I saw a dark black cloud start to form and I heard the Lord say that it was true north. The cloud got bigger, and continued to grow in size. Then out of the cloud came dark horsemen dressed in black, riding on black horses. There were horses that were being released in every direction from this cloud.

There were horses that were being released in every direction from this cloud

I then heard the Lord speak again to get out my phone and open up my compass. I did as I was instructed. Where I was sitting in the room when my compass opened it turned the dial to exactly 223 -224.  I was shocked because it was what I had seen exactly in the early morning hours.

I then adjusted my compass to see where north was and it was directly in the direction that I had seen the cloud begin to form. This again was disturbing, as well as being awe struck all in the same breath.

This again was disturbing, as well as being awe struck all in the same breath

The meaning of the vision is as follows;

The Dark Cloud Represents – Tribulation, Trouble, Judgement, Testing/Trials, Oppression, Depression – (Joel 2:20, Acts 2:20, Psalms 18:11, Jeremiah 23:19, 25:32, Revelations 9:2, Matthew 24:29, Acts 27:20) (TDC page 289)

Dark Horse Represents – Famine – Revelations 6:5 (TDC page 381)

North Represents – Place of God’s throne, (Psalms 75:6-7, Isaiah 14:13-14), Place of Judgement – Jeremiah 1:13-14, Location of the Enemy – (Ezekiel 38:6) (TDC page 432)

Remember what the Lord spoke; He spoke saying that no one was going to enjoy what is about to take place.

He spoke saying that no one was going to enjoy what is about to take place

Have you taken the time to have made yourself ready for what is coming? Have you spent time trying to discern the coming days, and what you need to do to survive the storm? Read the word that the Lord spoke several years ago … Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

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