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Be Still … My friends, this is a hard request but just “Be Still”. Allow the busyness around you to come to a clamoring halt. Reach forth and regain the strength that you will need for this next hour forward. Without my direction you will not understand the changes that are coming. Only I am able to see all that will soon take place. As we continue in our forward motion there are many things that could catch you off guard and bring a real sense of uncertainty to you.

At no time am I asking that you would walk this journey alone. I promise through this whole ordeal that I will keep you from the fowlers snare.  It will require 100% obedience. You cannot expect to be kept safe untouched in the days ahead if you do not pay attention to the instructions that I bring.

Your part is just as important.

When I ask for you to be still there is a real reason for what I am asking. You are entering into perilous times of much destruction. There are wars and rumors of wars. It is a time that you need to be mindful of who I am and what I am capable of. The season that you are entering into requires for you to pause and reflect that I am the Lord your God and there is no other.

I am in control and though hard, everything that is playing out on the world scene is all working towards the final showdown where I will be victorious. In the days ahead when fear comes looking to paralyze you the only thing that can stop it will be your foundation in Me and My word.

My word when it has been stored up in your hearts becomes a wellspring of life that you can draw upon. Your ability to have this in place before the storm hits is crucial. Set aside time for this very thing and you will remain unmovable & unshakeable in these dark times that will soon come. Stay steadfast in My word meditating upon who I am. Remember that I am in total control no matter how dark it gets or what happens in your lives in the days ahead.

Remember that I am in total control no matter how dark it gets

There is My peace that I give that the world does not have that you will need. My peace will guard your heart and your mind. The war over your mind and thoughts will continue to increase. Be careful what you listen and watch with your ears and eyes. The more that you are contaminated with all the propaganda and miss information it will hinder your ability to see and hear what I am directing you to do.

I am with you always even to the end of the age. You cannot be separated from Me nor can you be snatched from My hand. This is a season where the sleepy ones are starting to arise and awake. In the midst of chaos, they are starting to get a glimpse of what you have seen for a long time. They will all require help in their ability to find the navigation that you have been walking forward in for years.

My remnant I have always had throughout all generations. Those that I have called to walk forward years in advance as a beacon of light to shine upon the darkness have done just that. These are the ones who have been misunderstood for years, laughed at and mocked. Do not hold it against them rather understand that it too was used to build you into who you have become here today.

So instead of judging them thank them. They truly have been the catalyst that has launched you forward. The enemy has used them but I took what was being used and turned it around for My glory. Many are in disillusion and are walking confused as to what is truly happening. Your part is to teach them, that it starts by forsaking all things that are standing in My way.

Quite simply they need to be taught as did you how to “Follow Me.”

You see you have never been this way before and neither have they. You are entering into uncharted waters where you will need My navigation to find your way through these perilous times that are now before you.

Cease striving and as you embrace the unknown you will find rest for your souls. Only in Me can true rest take place. My people have been consumed with fear of the unknown and they need a wake-up call. This is just that, cease striving, stop fighting, stop fearing and know who your God is and be in … Awe. Remember that I am your refuge and strength.

This has always been My promise to all of those in who I call mine.

I have forgiven all of your iniquities, I have healed all your diseases, I have redeemed your life from destruction. My message to the world was and still is good news. I am sovereign and I rule the entire universe. I am your ultimate security in all things I am with you to the end.

Today as you can see the world is at a crossroad. I need for you to be ready not caught off guard. Set aside time each day for Me and you. Allow My spirit to overtake you and fill you a fresh and a new. Allow Me to establish the works of My kingdom deep into your hearts and My stability will overtake fear and destroy it.

Allow Me to establish the works of My kingdom deep into your hearts

When you behold the works which I have done it will drastically change your perspective forever. You will see My deliverance power. It is only once you cease striving and allow stillness will you look at My works as a witness to what I have accomplished. It is Me your Lord and God who has destroyed My enemies. You will witness My complete deliverance where I have annihilated the enemy on every front.

You will witness My complete deliverance

Walk with Me talk with Me and allow Me the ability to guide you forward. You will not be able to lead if you are not lead. In stillness you will regain your confidence in me. “Trust Me”.

I will fight for you and you have only to be silent. (Exodus 14:14 ESV)

For everyone who knows your wonderful name keeps putting their trust in you. They can count on you for help no matter what. O Lord, you will never, no never, neglect those who come to you. (Psalms 9:10 TPT)


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