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Blessed & Highly Favored …

My Friends, those who watch over their daily walk and who choose to live according to My word are blessed. When your daily path is directed by My word you will experience the overflow of My delight. You will experience a deep-seated joy with a supreme satisfaction that can only be experienced by those who follow My ways and My word.

You will be highly favored, grace-upon-grace is yours to enjoy. The lifestyle that you have chosen to pursue, a daily routine of obedience to the authority of My word that I have placed before you.

My Spirit has taught you that which is good and wholesome, and because you have not strayed from it, but embraced it, true happiness is yours. You do not allow yourselves to become entangled in iniquity. You have learnt the consequences of sin and how it creates a division between us.

You have learnt to love what is right and hate that which destroys.

You have learnt to replace that which is wrong in your life, with that which is right and true. By changing your ways, you have started down a path that has done what I said it would do, bless you abundantly. You have learnt to overcome what the devil has been trying to get you to believe.

You have replaced his lies with My truth. When you take the truth of My word and apply it to your personal lives and allow it to get rooted deep into your heart it will transform your lives. The moment that you crossed over and accepted the gift that My Son died for; you were grafted into My Kingdom. A Kingdom that will never fade away, one that is established and will never be shaken.

When you crossed over it was like stepping out of darkness and death, into Light and given everlasting life. Your destiny became real in that moment, even though you were not able to totally comprehend all that had just taken place. This side of eternity you will continue to grow in who I say you are.

You see, He is the “Cornerstone” upon which I will build. You have all been grafted into My building project. Yes, you as well are being used as precious stone to build Me a House that will stand through all the ages to come. The “Living Stone” is the true source to life.

It is here where you will experience vibrant life.

When you come to Me you are in-fact being prepared to be part of My sanctuary. My construction of My temple has gone from generation to generation. No matter how hard the devil has tried over the centuries to stop what I have been doing, he has always failed.

I have called you; I have chosen you, and in that I have blessed you the moment that you embraced the call. I reached forth My hand through My Son and as you reached forth yours, I took hold of you. I wrapped you immediately in My embrace, and called you blessed. Every spiritual blessing that I could bestow upon you, I released to you.

I chose you to be mine, a people set apart in total communion with Me.

I have placed My blessing upon your head, it shall never be removed. I have anointed your head with My oil, I have opened up your minds so that you are able to understand the scriptures. I have taken you to the entranceway of My word and allowed My illuminating light to shine forth into your hearts and minds.

I have set My glory before you and it has risen upon you. Deep darkness has covered the earth and deep darkness has covered the minds and hearts of the people. Yet I have risen over you and My glory will be seen upon you for all to see.

My favor has gone before you and it has surrounded you as a shield. Your righteousness shines forth because of what was accomplished by My Son. Understand this and you will understand much. You have been covered on all sides of your life.

You are continually in My presence.

It is a force that cannot be broken, I have fortified you on all sides. When you embrace this, it becomes your authority that I have given to you as My child. You are highly favored, filled with My divine power that enables you to live a life, with godliness that is pleasing and acceptable to Me.

My knowledge has been imparted and when embraced transforms all those areas that have kept us apart. I did this all so that we could be one. Together we will share eternity. Oh, the things that you will discover. You are loved beyond measure; words can not comprehend just how deep this love that I have goes.

I encourage you to go to My word and find who I say you are and allow this very truth to transform your heart. Where you have no confidence, you will begin to be overwhelmed with just how confident you have become. You see, I plan to reverse all curses, where you will conquer and overcome the lies of the enemy.

My word when hid in your heart becomes a fire that burns, removes, and dismantles the forces of darkness. Find yourself and your story in My word and you will have found your destiny. My word is living and active, with the power to separate.

My word is meant to become a reflection of who I AM, and who I have called you to be.

When you spend time with Me and My word you cannot but be changed. My word when used like a sword will give you a declaration that will lead to action. When you agree with My word it starts to transform you into who I have always said you were … “Blessed & Highly Favored.”

Because you, too, have heard the word of truth—the good news of your salvation—and because you believed in the One who is truth, your lives are marked with His seal. This is none other than the Holy Spirit who was promised (Ephesians 1:13 Voice)

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