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The Next Step …

My People, today I see your hearts and the loads that you have been caring. I understand how difficult this journey has become. Release it unto Me and allow Me to hold you upright and strengthen your steps.

The season you find yourself in is just that … this too shall pass. Know this, that I see where you are at, and I know the path I am setting before you.

Do not allow fear doubt and unbelief to derail your journey with Me.

Take hold of my hand and as you do you will see the next step. That is my promise to you. Reach out your hand and as you do, I will meet you in that place. I need the time to rebuild the confidence that it is going to take to move the mountains that are resisting your advancement.

These obstacles if not dealt with now will become the very ingredient that the enemy will use in the days ahead to toss you up upon the rocks. You will become disillusioned as to why it happened. The key in all of this to remember is that it is I who sees the strategies of evil one. I know very well what his intentions are.

So, during this last season where you have cried out for relief and yet it seemed like the answer never came, it was for this very reason. You saw many running in every direction under no confinement, and it left you puzzled wondering what went wrong.

The truth is that you are where you are because it is where I have placed you.

This is by no means because of things that you have done wrong. Rather because this is the season of preparation that I require before I can safely advance you. Your training will qualify you when tested in the days ahead. You will become one of the ones who will overcome when it is needed the most.

As for all those that seem to be free to go, and be, and do, very few have allowed Me the ability to prepare them properly for what I see that now lies ahead. Only those who have been properly prepared will survive in the days ahead. The world and its ways cannot be attached to you in any way. Your soul and the very strength of it, if not dealt with will cause you to have a great fall.

One of the hardest things that I have needed to train you in is what I have called you to do. It is so easy to get caught up in what others are doing, or not doing, and miss the very thing that I have called you to take hold of. When we walk together it is in this place that you are refined into what I always knew you would become. There is no one like you no not one.

The apprehension that you feel most days is because of the uncertainty that you are continually facing. Only when this is strengthened in who I Am, can it be removed from the ground upon which you have built upon, to the rock upon which I stand. This is the ground work that will make you unstoppable.

Your feet need to be firmly fixed upon this “The Rock of All Ages.”

At no time have I ever set you up to fail. I have set you up so that when the world and its ways fall you will still be standing. My guiding light that shines upon the path in which you walk will become illuminated for all to see. My Glory will be upon you. My love will be in you. My Dunamis power will be operating in and through your life for all to see.

Today as hard as it is to continue to stand, know that the very character that I am grafting into your heart will not be shaken. In fact, it will be My power through you that will shake the nations to their knees. So, embrace the storms that you find yourselves in knowing that it is Me who has promised to work all things out for your good according to My purpose, My plan.

My dream cannot be stopped or slowed down. The enemy will not be able to derail what I Am doing, not a chance. The very gift that you are receiving is the gift of time. I am never late so what I am currently doing in your lives has an allotted time frame that I am working towards. Everything that you will require is in this time frame, of redefining who you are, and who I have always known you to be.

The character that is being forged into you is your saving grace in so many ways. The thing to remember is that the power without the character is a receipt for disaster. When you are operating in the power, the very ingredient that will get you to the finish line is the very character that you have allowed Me to forge into who I have called you to be.

Think of this for a moment. If it is not Me who has released you then under what power are you operating under. Remember there is a demonstration of power on both sides. It all boils down to who leads you, and under what authority you have submitted too. Deception runs deep to the core within the human heart.

Only a heart that has submitted and surrendered to My process qualifies to be called mine.

Submit under My mighty hand and I will exalt you in due time.

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. (Romans 8:28 AMP)

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