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Gods Ways – V003

We need to understand our God. He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks. We need to engage or nothing will change. We can go through life as Christians with no real clear insight past that. Yes, we are saved the moment we have invited Christ Jesus into our hearts. The thing to understand is this, if we stop there, we have never entered into a relationship where we have gotten to know each other.

Salvation is the most important part, but there is so much more. His desire, is that we open our hearts and become teachable. The Holy Spirit was sent to teach us all that we needed to know. God has a specific plan that has your name on it, nobody else can do it, just you. This plan requires that you put your confidence in Him alone.

The biggest problem is that most people do not understand just how much He desires our fellowship. How much love, He desires to bestow upon us, lavishing us with all that He has access too. His plan far exceeds anything that we could ever formulate in our own ability. For us to gain insight requires our time, that is it. He promises us that if we seek Him, we will find Him. The thing about priorities is this; if it is important, we will make the time, if not, we will make excuses as to why we did not.

If not, then I challenge you with one final thought. Being self-centered is a path that says, I love you, but I want things my way. We are called to enter in and be transformed, accomplishing all that He has set before us to do. The Good works stored up with your name on. One day we will all stand and have to give an account of how we used our time here on Earth. At that moment there will be a lot of people with regrets … I do not wish to live a life with regrets, rather a life that has been filled with Joy.

Today if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts. Open up the door and invite Him in. Do it daily and begin the most amazing journey.

Prayer: Dear Lord, sorry for the times where we have gotten our priorities all mix up. Forgive us for never understanding, that you have been waiting on us to open the doors to our hearts.

Verse: I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (Jeremiah 29:11)

One Comment

  • Pauline Kandagano says:

    Amen to this prayer. It’s my first visit to my brother Ross’s website. I just read God’s way. So true ! Thank you
    Blessings from our Lord Jesus

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