Hi! We are the McMurphy’s

We are so glad you’re here.

Ross has been devoted to being a light in the market place for years. His strong desire is for people to reach their full potential. Ross has been very keen on God's word, believing that God has a specific plan for every person’s life. Helping people reach the understanding of who they are, and what the plan of God is for their lives is his greatest desire. He believes that each person is unique, has a place, and a calling that they can take hold of. Helping people find the path forward to the greatest journey of a lifetime is his greatest passion.

Ella has been instrumental in helping others become strong in the Lord. She carries a very strong ability to discern how to help people take hold of God's word allowing it to become the light beneath their feet. Her love for Jesus spills out and touches everyone she meets. She has a very strong sense of sharing His message of love and forgiveness with all that come her way.

Teaching people to hear God's voice, setting time aside daily to seek Him, and the power that gets released through God's word when one’s life becomes immersed in it. Teaching people to understand the vision of the Lord and how to properly operate in it. Then to be obedient with what they have been given. No small task but it honestly starts one step at a time moving forward knowing that God is faithful to help you each step of the way.


Ella & Ross McMurphy

Both Ella & Ross have been walking with the Lord for over 35 years. They both walk with a desire to see others advance using the gifting that they have been given. Helping others accomplish this is by far the most rewarding. To see people who were not walking in their full potential, to take hold of it knowing that this is God’s plan for their lives, there is just nothing better.