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Our Actions …

There are a lot of things in this life that we can pursue that have an amazing value attached to them. In the same breath, there are also a lot of things that have no value. Somethings come with a blessing, and others a curse. We really for the most part do not really give much thought to this.

Yet, in the long term, it will either have a return of an abundance, or destruction. Our lives will always travel to our most dominate thoughts. We will always pursue those areas in life that we deem as important. Where we devote our time, will always bear fruit … good or bad.

Our thoughts then become our actions, and our actions become our habits. This is how we form the character we have. It is established each day as we travel through life. What we allow at the front end of our lives matters. Our thoughts over time becomes our character.

What seems insignificant over time, holds more weight that we understand

So, the fact, that for most, not much thought goes into the outcome, it is easily seen why the enemy has gained the upper-hand in so many lives. The only way to overcome, is to understand this very thing. When you understand, then you are able to act upon what you need to do to change.

What we pursue we will become. Our actions really do speak louder than words. So, it is obvious by where we fix our priorities. We will either have a harvest of righteousness. A life that has devoted itself to being taught by the Lord, and learnt to be obedient to His ways.

If we choose the other path and our pursuit is based on ourselves, it will be a life that has allowed our minds to be controlled by our fleshly desires and carnal ways. There is no victory if this is the pursuit we have chosen. We will all arrive at our final destination, a destination that we will all face one day, with a life that is filled with either blessings or regrets.

Whatever path you are on will determine the outcome

When we see the truth, it has the ability to set us free. Our part is to allow the truth to change us. We play a huge part in this. We will either see the light of truth and walk towards it, or we will see the truth and avoid it, walking away from it.

There is a verse in the bible that declares that we should seek the Lord.

Read what Isaiah 55:6-7 says;

Seek God while He is here to be found, pray to him while He is close at hand. Let the wicked abandon their ways of life and the evil their ways of thinking. Let them come back to God, who is merciful, come back to our God, who is lavish with forgiveness. (Isaiah 55:6-7 MSG)

This is our greatest moment, when we see the truth and embrace it. Our Lord and Savior is looking for us to see our mistakes, and then as we do, repent of our ways. When we do, we are re-established in right standing with Him.

The life that once was self-centered, seeking only the blessed life through the pleasures of it, has been transformed into a life that its main desire is to know Him. As we know Him it brings pleasure to Him, and Him alone. No longer self-absorbed, seeking what is only best for ourselves. Where the pleasures of this world once had a hold, it has been replaced with a big heart for others, it has become compassionate, generous, and over-all, caring for those who are around us. A heart filled with the love of God. Remember He first loved us.

Our lives are to be a living demonstration of who the Lord is

Read what 1 John 4:19 says;

Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us. (1 John 4:19 TPT)

Instead of being driven and pushed in every direction for more, there is now a contented heart that has been established by peace. No longer effected by the circumstances of the day. We have found the narrow path, the path that brings us forth to life. Our lives start to operate in abundance.

Listen to what Matthew 7:14 says;

Now then that narrow door leads to a narrow road that in turn leads to life. It is hard to find that road. Not many people manage it. (Matthew 7:14 Voice)

When we make God first in our lives, everything else comes into proper alignment. As we place God as the head over our lives, we have the ability to have Him in control moving us forward. This is all according to His greater master plan, that can only get unlocked with our involvement. When we make the decision to step out of the chaos with no order, and into a life of order, it is a total paradigm shift that takes place. It immediately starts to move us to higher ground.

Nothing can replace the peace that we receive, nothing compares

Read what Matthew 6:33 says;

“So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.” (Matthew 6:33 TPT)

The narrow way has to be found. It is also the starting point of redemption. We all enter the world on the broad wide path, this is the reality. Yet on this path we are given understanding at some point of a better way. The bible says that we are blessed when we recognize that we are spiritually bankrupt. We are blessed when we have reached a desperation for God. Until we reach this point, we are not able to enter into God’s Kingdom.

Read what Matthew 5:3 says;

“Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need. God’s kingdom belongs to them. (Matthew 5:3 ERV)

We enter into the understanding of just how ship wrecked we are without God, and at that moment we are called blessed beyond measure. We are given the ability to have communion with God, when we realize our need, to put our total confidence in Him. When we totally surrender, we are called blessed, enriched, happy fortunate, with the sense of being filled with a great abundance of happiness, full of prosperity.

When we own why we are where we are, only then can things change

So, when we take His word and apply it to our lives, we receive everything else we could ever desire. We are filled up to overflowing with His goodness, and it establishes within our hearts, and fills the empty void that only He can fill. Our delight is in our total surrender, putting our full confidence in Him.

This is the blessed life, this is “The Right Pursuit.” This leads to a life that is rich beyond what, one could ever imagine.  A life that has set itself on a course to find God, and once you find that great gift, your life is forever changed.

Read what Matthew 13:45-46 says;

“Or again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he has found a single pearl of great value, he goes and sells all his possessions and buys it.” (Matthew 13:45-46 Phillips)

Once we see, it changes everything. We are His “Pearl of Great Price.” He found us, and sold it all to attain what no one else could do. He has always been our pathway that is narrow, and we are forever grateful for it.

He has always been the door to the Kingdom, and through Him we have been given access that can never be stolen from us. When we come to the acknowledgement that our lives are “Ship Wrecked” without Him it changes everything.

He found us and gave up everything so we could live and not die

In Closing;

Remember that our lives are controlled by where we fix our affections. We will travel towards our most dominate thoughts and eventually our thoughts will form our character.

We have been given insight beyond our wildest dreams. Our lives have the ability to be victorious on all side. It takes serious effort on our part, but it is so worth the pursuit. Only when we are victorious are we able to help others enter into the freedom that they too can have.

I hope this word has encouraged you. I pray that no matter where this word finds you, it will bless you.

Read what Psalms 16:11 says;

Instead, you direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment. (Psalms 16:11 Voice)

Have a blessed week, … bye for now.

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