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February 9, 2024

This is a word that I received in January of 2022. At the time I was not released to share it. It was not until this year that I was released to bring it forth.

January 23, 2022

This is the word that I received on January 23, 2022

Are You Ready?

Have you taken the time to make yourself ready for what now lies ahead? This is a word that I have been speaking to you for the last 40 years.

From what I can see is this. You have scoffed at My word, sidelined it, and ignored it. You have chosen to follow your own devices, plans and strategies for life. At no time have I ever felt you have had a change of heart.

At no time have I ever felt you have had a change of heart.

I desired to spare you from the tragedies and hardships that you will now face as a direct result of your stubbornness. This could have been avoided had you listened to My council.

This is the past, the present, and the future starring you in the face. Today-yes-today it starts to unravel. When it hits there will be no turning back.

Think back to the times you mocked My council. Now the tables have been turned and I laugh at you. You need My help but help is no where to be found.

You need My help but help is no where to be found.

Time is short seek out your steps carefully. The time is 11:59 and counting. Everything changes when the clock strikes 12:00.

When I was given this word I went into a vision where the Lord was sitting across from me. We were sitting facing each other. As I finished typing this word out, I saw myself taking the piece of paper that had the words written on it and sliding it to the other side of the table where He was sitting.

My thought at the time was Lord this is a very strong word. This is a word that I need for you to confirm. This all happened in a split second of time and the vision was over.

Below is a break-down on how it was confirmed, and the dates associated with it.

  • Jan 23, 2022 I was given this word. I then asked the Lord to confirm it
  • Jan 26, The Lord spoke in the evening that I would be woken up at a specific time
  • I was awoken at 11:59
  • Jan 28, I was awoken at 11:59-12:00 the moment I saw the clock it changed from 11:59-12:00
  • I got up sat in my chair and sat in His presence after a bit of sitting I heard the following phrase “Tag You’re It”
  • This was the word that I had received

June 24,2023

  • Found this set of scriptures that sounded a lot like the word I had been given in January 2022
  • Was do my morning devotions and came across this section of scripture and thought the similarities was very consistent with the word I had in been given in 2022

Wisdoms Warning – Wisdom Crying Out in The Streets

Wisdom’s praises are sung in the streets and celebrated far and wide. Yet wisdoms song is not always heard in the halls of higher learning. But in the hustle and bustle of everyday life its lyrics can always be heard above the din of the crowd. You will hear wisdom’s warning as she preaches courageously to those who stop to listen:

Foolish ones, how much longer will you cling to your deception? How much longer will you mock wisdom, cynical scorners who fight the facts?

Come back to your senses and be restored to reality. Don’t even think about refusing My rebuke! Don’t you know that I’m ready to pour out My Spirit of wisdom upon you and bring to you the revelation of My words that will make your heart wise?

‘I have called to you over and over; still you refuse to come to me. I have pleaded with you again and again, yet you have turned a deaf ear to my voice.

Because you have laughed at my counsel and have insisted on continuing in your stubbornness, I will laugh when your calamity comes and will turn away from you at the time of your disaster.

Make a joke of my advice, will you? Then I will make a joke out of you! When the storm clouds of terror gather over your head, when dread and distress consume you and your catastrophe comes like a hurricane, you will cry out to me, but I will not answer. Then it will be too late to expect my help.

When desperation drives you to search for me, I will be nowhere to be found. Because you have turned up your nose at me and closed your eyes to the facts and refused to worship me in awe — because you scoffed at my wise counsel and laughed at my correction— now you will eat the bitter fruit of your own ways.

You have made your own bed; now lie in it! So how do you like that? Like an idiot you have turned away from me and chosen destruction instead. Your self-satisfied smugness will kill you.’

But the one who always listens to Me will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace. Free from fear, confident and courageous, you will rest unafraid and sheltered from the storms of life. (Proverbs 1:20-33 TPT)

This is a word where we all need to search our hearts. This is a word to both the church as well as the world. We are not able to sidestep what the Lord is saying in this word.




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