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God’s Approval – Man’s Approval

You and I were never created to be what someone else thought we should be. Rather we were all created with purpose, destiny, and that can only be found in the one who created us. Our creator the Most-High God choose us before the foundation of the world and set before us good things, that we were created to accomplish in our lifetime.

The voice of those that are closest to us, most times are the ones that we desire to please, but at what cost? If we accept what they think above what God thinks we will always be a man pleaser. We are not trying to win mans approval. In the end we will stand accountable to what we did with what we were given here on this earth. Make no mistake that day will surely come. In my own life I have seen well meaning people stand apposed to what I have been called to be, and do.

Learning the power of hearing and being obedient to what God has asked us to do is crucial to our success. Learning to say no is an important lesson, all on its own.

Can you identify areas where you know you have pleased man, where you new God was asking you to do something contrary? Real moment that we all have …

Prayer: Dear Lord our Most-High God, please give us the strength to set aside all things that stand opposed to your perfect will operating in our lives. When we come into situations allow us the ability to say no to those around us who would lead us astray from those things that you desire for us to do.

Verse: Obviously, I am not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant (Galatians 1:10 NLT)

One Comment

  • Yvonne Scheffer says:

    Really good articles, short and right to the point. They were truth we need to hear…….both encouraging and convicting!

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