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Empowered to be Unrivaled – EX001

We were created to be unbeatable, more than conquerors. Nothing was created to be our match, rather we were created to be unique with extraordinary traits, traits that would empower us to be overcomers. We were created to triumph over all things, and live a victorious Christian life.

Our lives here on earth were created to make a difference. We were called out of darkness, to gain a life rich with His wisdom. A life, filled with His insight through His word. A life, that would understand the power that is within, a life, that would conquer the battles one by one. A life, that would understand that the power from “On High” would fight for us, and in that, we could walk forward victoriously. I am talking about a life so full of power, that when the enemy comes at you in one direction, yet it flees from you in seven.

Why, for it is the Lord who will conquer our enemies! This is a fight to the end, against The Devil and his demons. We are not out for a stroll in the park! We are not on a play ground; we are on a Battle-Ground.

The warfare, that we are engaged in, is with a real spiritual enemy. This enemy is much stronger than we are. In our own strength, we cannot defeat this enemy! The good news is this; He who lives in me is far greater than the one who is in the world. So, while we are engaged in battle with evil, we can be victorious in every aspect of our lives.

God’s command to us, is to take and claim the land. We have been given authority in the land; indeed, this is our inheritance, it is our land! All we need to do, is to take hold of it. I see so many Christians who are defeated, wandering around, lost, and confused.

They lack purpose, and vision, never entering their “True Identity.” God’s perfect plan for each one of us.

We have been given a place of victory, a place where we can walk and abide in His blessings, and as a bonus, we have, the peace that surpasses all understanding. We remain defeated because we do not understand. God did not save us, so we could be defeated.

For the most part, we are defeated because we refuse to walk in the victory.

You will never get to the finish line, unless you train yourself up, “one step at a time.” Our victory depends upon one word, “Faith.” The extent of our victory will depend upon our faith. The bible says that faith without works is dead, meaning you need to put it to work. Open your heart, and allow Him to have full authority, and watch, and see the enemy flee!!!

Prayer: Dear Lord, the life that you have set before us, is ours to take hold of. Victorious in all our ways. Help us to see the resources stored up, ready to be unlocked at our decree.

Verse: Yet even during all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! Romans 8:37 (TPT)

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