“Provoked to Action” …
When things reach an intolerable level, God uses these moments to push us forward out of our lack of concern, where we have tolerated the enemy and its strongholds. Where we have allowed compromise to hold us back. Where we have became lethargic leaving it for someone else to deal with, instead of using the voice that we have to make a difference.
Most give little thought to where they are at spiritually. The reason is simple. Until we are tested, only then, will we be able to see upon what we have built. Yet if we wait for the moment, we will be sure that fear will have gripped our hearts, paralyzing us to taking the necessary steps that faith requires.
Where we invest our time matter more than what we can understand
Our hour of visitation comes and goes, and we see it not. There are those who know their God, and there are those who know of God. There is a huge contrast between these two that is called faith and unbelief. If you have never walked with God, then it is fare to say, that when in a battle you are only able to rely upon your own strength.
On the other hand, if you are someone who has spent time devoted to getting to know your God, then you will have been given the understanding of what it takes to attain victory.
Your life day-in-day-out is designed to be trained up, in who you are, and in the authority you have. It is these very things that get forged into your spirit, and because of these, the victory is yours. The overcoming power depends upon this very thing.
What we put our hands to in life forges who we become … strong or weak
We read in the bible how a giant named Goliath from the Philistine army held the Israeli army including the King in fear. This lasted for 40 days. Just so there is a reference point to understand. Goliath was 9 foot 9 inches. He had armor that weighed around a hundred twenty-five pounds. He taunted the Israelis morning and night.
Read what 1 Samuel 17:10-11 says;
10 And the Philistine said, “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.” 11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid. (1 Samuel 17:10-11 NKJV)
Here is the point. We all want in the moment of battle, to be seen as the victorious one. Yet very few are able to stand up under the pressure of the moment, for the simple reason they do not know who their God is.
To know God is to know peace … no God no peace
What giants stand in your life taunting you, that requires a stand on your part? His words are empty, yet if not confronted with truth, has the ability and power to dismantle you before the battle even starts.
You really need to catch this point. The power is in the one who holds the truth. If then the truth is not in you, fear is. Perfect love casts out fear. His power is perfected in our weakness. God’s word enables you, when it has been deposited into your heart again and again, the power to know it, as well as the one who wrote it.
There is much that could be said about those who do not allow God to be 1st in their lives. They will have an outward appearance, yet have been built upon the traditions of man with no power. We are instructed clearly in the scriptures … stay clear, and for good reason.
Bad character corrupt good … Who we run with matters
Read what 2 Timothy 3:5 says;
Even though they may look or act like godly people, they’re not. They deny His power. I tell you: Stay away from the likes of these. (2 Timothy 3:5 Voice)
Goliath taunted the Israelites for 40 days. In verse 11 and in verse 24 we see the effects of what a lack of not knowing who your God is. They were fearful and fled. The enemy was able then, as he is now, able to stop them and us paralyzing us, in our ability to advance. If he is able to bind us to fear with words, the battle is finished before it begins.
This is just how strong the power of “Fear verses Faith is”
Read what 1 Samuel 17:24 says;
And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him, terrified. (!1 Samuel 17:24 AMPC)
Anytime that we are in a trial, God desires to equip us with who we are, and empower us to overcome our greatest fear. These are not just pretty stories in the bible. They are real, and very accurate as to what actually took place.
It was a trial that remained, it lingered and was not put to the challenge. It was a trial that had a mocking attached to it, filled with insulting jeering that was taunting. Mockery is just that, it intimidates you to be silent, when you should take a stand.
When we are being oppressed by the enemy, who is the adversary, it is only because we have not learnt the power in who we are. If we understood that, the battle would be over before it started. When God is for you, it empowers you to be unstoppable. If the battle belongs to the Lord, you are merely along for the ride. Your words in this moment, will bring either victory or defeat, depending upon who you have built your life upon.
The battle belongs to the LORD
It was only when David showed up that this all changed. A shepherd boy who knew his God. He was not intimidated, by the size, or the words that came out of this giant’s mouth. It is funny because the bible actually calls David a man after Gods own heart. He had as many victories in life, as failures, yet he knew who his God was.
You need to picture yourself here at this moment. Are you walking in the strength of who your God is, or are you so gripped with fear that your knees are knocking together.
Where you spend your hours each day matters. When you invest in your relationship with who you are, and what He says about you, there will be no stopping what He is capable of doing through you. The voice of intimidation will have no authority, its voice will be silenced by your faith.
The LORD desires to put the enemy to flight … you hold that part
Our time that we have each day is a gift … we will either use it wisely or foolishly. One will prepare us, and the other will defeat us. If we use it wisely it will be seen as the stand that we are able to take in the midst of the battle. If not, we will be seen as those who were not prepared, and fell under the pressure on the day of battle. We all will make this choice.
Where we use our time should “Provoke us to Action”