Today Pause …
Life can at times be a battle ground, yet for most we are unable to see it because we have predetermined that our lives are to be seen as a stroll in the park. Yet this type of thinking leaves you in a place of being very venerable. The truth, is that you have not been able to see the day for what, it actually is.
Is it not better to dress every day for a battle, and go through the park, knowing the difference. When we are not prepared for battle, we are easily affected because of just that. Not being prepared. We might encounter a battle, we might not. Either way, we will be ready since we have trained ourselves.
The best thing that we can do for ourselves is to be prepared
Understand this, that it is better to be prepared than to wish we were. Most battles are won and lost at the gateway to the battle. We turn back the battle at the gate. The battle gains ground when we instead of defeating it, entertain it. One of the greatest weapons that we have been given is the ability to step outside of the battle. Once outside, we are able to look back in, and take another look, at what is actually behind the battle that we are facing.
Read what Isaiah 28:6 says;
For a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate. (Isaiah 28:6 NKJV)
When you hear the phrase “Today Pause” what is the thought that comes to your mind. For most, honestly including myself, would be “I have no time to pause.” Yet that is exactly what the devil desires for you to believe. The pressures of the day, and the demand for your time. It is for this very reason we need to do this very thing. Only then are we able to see clearly.
There are times in life where you will advance, or retreat, depending upon what you believe. You are unable handle correctly the warfare that you face, when you are not able to discern what is behind the war. It is almost impossible to see clearly when you are caught in the thick of the battle. Yet when you step back, and look through the eyes of a wise and discerning heart, you will be guaranteed to see it through an entirely different perspective.
God’s perspective will change how you look at warfare
The enemy is always defiant, always looking to deceive you. He clouds it, in obscurity where it is impossible to gain understanding. You must be able to view it from an eternal perspective to be able to understand it.
When we step back, we are in-fact in that moment seeking wisdom that we do not have. Seeking understanding that we must obtain. For us to gain this, there is an acknowledgement that requires intervention from God that requires His ability verses ours.
Read what Proverbs 3:4-6 says;
4-5 If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; do not ever trust yourself. 6 In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you, and crown your efforts with success. (Proverbs 3:4-6 TLB)
When we step back it deflates the enemy’s tactics on the spot. No longer is he able to push you into a reaction mode. When peace becomes your governor, you overtime will be able to discern when you have it, and when you don’t. Anything that wages war against your peace is of the wrong spirit.
Read what Philippians 4:7 says;
And know that the peace of God a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One. (Philippians 4:7 Voice)
I base it on these two points
Point One: God’s true peace when we are correctly walking in unison with God guards us. It guards our hearts and our minds. We are protected by it. It is like a wall that cannot be dismantled, or easily removed. We are able to go through life as Christians where we encounter God in a manifested way, that the world can never experience.
Point Two: We are instructed to test the spirits. For us to test the spirits we must first know how to examine the scriptures. Once we understand them, then we can weigh up against them anything in life that comes our way. A battle and the tactics of it can only be exposed when we hold a correct understanding of the truth. It must always be our gauge forward. Only then can we be seen as ones who are standing on a “Solid Rock.”
“On Christ the Solid Rock we stand,” all other ground is “Sinking Sand”
Read what 1 John 4:1 says;
My loved ones, I warn you: do not trust every spirit. Instead, examine them carefully to determine if they come from God, because the corrupt world is filled with the voices of many false prophets. (1 John 4:1 Voice)
Remember the war is always to deceive you
This is the war, and the need to understand. As long as you never take a step back to examine what you have before you, there is a good chance that you have set yourself up to be deceived. Only because you do not understand the scriptures.
Read what Acts 17:11 says;
The people of Berea were more open-minded than the people of Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive God’s message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was true. (Acts 17:11 GW)
This is warfare in its finest hour. Iron will always sharpen iron. God’s word is like a sword that cuts and divides. It weighs the inner thoughts, within one’s heart. When we diligently seek the Lord asking for His wisdom, He will not allow us to fall prey to the hidden motives and schemes of the devil.
God’s word will always give you clarity & understanding
When you see the enemy in its unrighteous ways, it can become disturbing. When you see it caught in its darkness and yet no remorse, instead even more defiant. There are times when you have done all that you have known to do, you stood for truth, for righteousness, only to see it overtaken by all that is steeped in gross darkness.
When we find ourselves in this place, we need to Pause, Meditate, and Pray. When we become uncertain in our position, let alone the path that we are on, it can feel like the ground beneath our feet is shaking. We activate our lives by what we have built upon. What ever our storehouse has in it, that is what we will gravitate towards. If the world and its ways have consumed us, we will be left with a trail of fear, that binds us from taking ground. If our storehouse, (our hearts) have been filled with kingdoms treasures, we will be able to pause meditate and pray.
We determine what we store up in our hearts … no one else
It is a clear picture of what we have inside of us that counts. For us to be able to weather the storms of life and the darkness in the days ahead, it will depend upon how well we have used what we have been given. The bible talks about building your house upon the rock. This is a picture that deserves an answer.
The truth is this, that if you are finding it hard in the storms of today, know that this is just a foretaste of what is to come. Truth always comes with a cost. It leaves you with the reality that if you are faltering in this hour, it might be a gift. A picture is worth so much more than words for the simple reason, it does not easily fade away into yesterday’s thoughts.
There is no better time than to Pause, and take an account of where you are truly at. Meditation helps you hear from God. It dismantles fear as you put Him and His ways before you. Taking His word and allowing it to form your life is the most important thing before you. It will determine whether you rise above, or sink below, the uncertainties that we find ourselves in.
God will never set you up to fail … only succeed
The bible says that He comforts us in all our troubles. But if you do not have that word in your heart, you cannot expect it to work when you need it the most. It also says in that same verse that you can use what you have to comfort others. You see, it really is about using what you have. Giving those in need a word that brings life in the midst of their darkness.
Read what 2 Corinthians 1:4 says;
He comforts us whenever we suffer. That is why whenever other people suffer, we are able to comfort them by using the same comfort we have received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:4 GW)
We are all called to be a light in a dark place, a word of comfort to a hurting heart, a walk that is looked upon by all those that are watching as something that is attainable. A life that shines forth the gospel of salvation, the love and the cost that was paid by Jesus should be the testimony upon our lips.
When our light shines bright it destroys the works of darkness
As we pause and meditate, it takes us to prayer. What we have received from Jesus during our times of meditation needs to become our prayer. Learning how to take a step back is a huge gift. It dismantles the pressure of reacting instead of responding. It is a powerful tool when applied to our day-to-day lives.