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Wandering Aimlessly …

The world is lost and those who cross our path each and everyday need our hearts cry to be rescued by the only one who can. Life is complicated at the best of times. We will never understand the fulness of what the full story is. We can never own someone else’s journey, but we can make a difference when we gain insight from the Lord.

Listen to what Proverbs 1:32 says;

For the aimless wandering of the thoughtless will kill them, and the smug overconfidence of fools will destroy them; (Proverbs 1:32 CJB) and that was read from the CJB translation

We come across people each and everyday of our lives who are caught in this very cycle of aimlessly wandering. They do not perceive it, they do not understand it, yet they find themselves caught in it.

Question is do you have eyes to see?

In our lives over time, we can become sinical when we lose sight, that we too were once in this very same place. As Christians we need to never lose sight of this most important part. Those around us who are still caught in this process, need our intervention, prayers, and love, not our judgement.

There is a hardening that takes place in life that happens within in the human heart. Only God is able to discern it, and work towards it, reaching past the refinements that have been set in place to block it. God over time, and years, reaches out many times in many different ways and reveals solid truth, yet it is despised.

Remember that He leaves the 99 for the one

Can you not remember the number of times in which the Lord sent people your way with the “Good News” only to reject them and the message that they brought. Honestly, I was left without an excuse. Yet that never stopped God from sending me another messenger.

Listen to what Romans 1:20-21 says;

‘Opposition to truth cannot be excused on the basis of ignorance, because from the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as his eternal power and divine existence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone without excuse. Throughout human history the fingerprints of God were upon them, yet they refused to honor him as God or even be thankful for his kindness. Instead, they entertained corrupt and foolish thoughts about what God was like. This left them with nothing but misguided hearts, steeped in moral darkness. ‘ (Romans 1:20-21 TPT) and that was read from the Passion Translation

Pride is a difficult thing, that becomes very costly when all is said and done. It is not that God stops speaking, it is that a mans heart hardens itself until it has eliminated God’s voice entirely. When they call, they have become so disconnected they are no longer able to hear.

Yet remember that our light is called to shine

I can remember times in my own life where my heart had become that hardened. There were many people who were in fact praying for me, before I finally got the break through that I needed.

The very things that have been set before our eyes to see, and in our rebellious ways, we have refused to see. We come to a point, where this to has become blocked within the confinements of our own hearts.

When we come to the point that we are now seeking, we are unable to find. We hated knowledge. We would have none of His council, nor would we heed any of His correction. It is here where we find the fruit upon which we have produced. It is here where we will be allowed to reap what we have sown. Eat the fruit upon which we have harvested.

Our own delicacies will be in an excess of supply. We will be allowed to gorge ourselves, stuff ourselves full, to the point of becoming obese. Thick of heart unable to discern. Walking aimlessly through life wandering in thick gross darkness.

In the midst of their confusion we are the Light of the world

The smugness we once walked in has now become bewilderment, shame, where our over confidence has brought upon us destruction that was always there yet we were unable to see it. You see, it is the foolishness within our own hearts that has in-fact trapped us. Our self sufficiency has in fact cost us everything.

Pay attention to what you see, and remember this, it is the wide broad path that many are on. To stand here and point the finger and delight in their fall is to walk a line that even God does not enjoy. It should in-fact sadden your heart; it should grieve your hearts to prayer.

There is nothing glorious about this moment and you need to be aware of it. These are people who are walking aimlessly through life with no hope, unless they receive, they will be destroyed. Our hearts cry needs to be “Remember Mercy.”

Do not forget where you once were, and how God redeemed your life. It was not you who found Him, He found you. It was His goodness that reached out and took hold of you in the mirey clay, and set your feet upon His rock of salvation. Nothing to do with you, and everything to do with what our Lord has done for you.

Where there is no Hope we become that very thing

Listen to what Ephesians 5:8 says;

Once your minds were completely in the dark. But now you belong to the Lord. As a result, you have become full of light. So now you must live as people who belong to the light. (Ephesians 5:8 EASY) and that was read from the EASY translation

It is only through the life of Christ Jesus and His death and resurrection that broke the hold of sin that had to this point dominated our lives. Only when we took hold of what He had accomplished on our behalf are we saved and transformed where we walk in His marvelous light. We have been set free from the domination, and dominion of darkness, and have been grafted into all that He has prepared for us.

Listen to what Romans 3:23 says;

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. (Romans 3:23 NLT) and that was read from the NLT translation

Once you are able to see this truth, you then can very easily have a heart of compassion for all those who are still caught in the gripping hold of sin. It is the destructive nature that follows those who are still trapped.

It is easy for us to become self righteous until we understand where we came from. That changes our perspective when we see others. God first loved us so that we could love.

Listen to what 1 John 4:19 says;

We are able to love God and other people because God loved us first. (1 John 4:19 EASY) and that was read from the EASY translation

It was God who rescued us. Our life prior to being rescued was a life that was separated from God and we were trapped in the kingdom of darkness. Only because we were purchased with a great price, and a huge sacrifice, are we able to rejoice with what we have received. Our victory came on the back of Jesus being crucified on a tree.

On Christ the solid Rock we stand

Listen to what Colossians 1:13-14 says;

13 God has saved us from the dark kingdom where Satan rules. He has brought us into the kingdom of his Son, whom he loves. 14 God’s Son, Jesus, paid the price for our sins and made us free. Yes, God has forgiven us. (Colossians 1:13-14 EASY) and that was read from the EASY translation

When our hearts break for the things that break the Lord’s heart only then are we in correct alignment with Him. When we encounter God, and His heart we are forever changed as to how we see and perceive those around us. We once were lost but now we are found. We once were blind but now we can see.

The impartation of His heart for others will always be a priority. Most in these moments feel helpless with what they see. Yet when understanding what God is doing in their lives empowers us to be a voice of prayer in the direction on their behalf.

As we co-labor with God amazing thing transpire 

We are never able to rescue those who are in the fire of affliction due to wrong choices. We can never own their moments of dive interaction with the consequences of their choices. Yet we hold a powerful tool called prayer, that when embraced on our parts helps to reinforce what the Lord wants to accomplish during these hard moments.

Our hour of discerning truth is therefore not to point the finger at, but to be intentional in prayer on their behalf.

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