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 Success & Failure …

When you think of success you are looking at it through a lens that can only see it through what has been accomplished. For there to be success, agreed, you have to have a desired target in mind and become successful with what you set out to do.

Success when you see it through My eyes is actually different than what you think. When I view success, I look at the character within a person. This will tell Me everything I need to know. Success when placed under My lens looks a whole lot different that what the world looks at and calls success.

My lens looks a whole lot different that what the world looks at and calls success

Success in the world’s eyes, I call it no success at all. There is nothing stable about it. When man builds anything outside of me it is on a collision course with destiny. Everything that is done will have to undergo the final test. Can it survive My fire. Only that which is able to survive it, will be established for ever.

Everything else will be seen as an ineffective attempt to counterfeit what the true meaning of life is. There is no success in money, fame, or the very things that mankind achieves. Everything in this world has come from Me. Outside of Me, what have you received, that has not been given to you. Every skill and ability that you use originated from Me.

Every skill and ability that you use originated from Me

Those who are rich and those who are poor, do they both not have this in common. Am I not the Maker of them all. When it come to influence and power, do I not hold that as well. Mankind is not able to receive outside of what I have released to it. Only when I have given the ability can it be defined as success.

Success through the wrong eyes will bind your heart to the world and you will end up prostituting yourselves to attain what can never satisfy or bring true everlasting Eternal pleasure. For everything in this world, the cravings of sinful men, the lust of the eyes, and the boasting of what he has been able to attain does not come from Me but from the world.

When you love the world and its ways My true love cannot be found in you. The world and what it desires will pass away, yet to the one who is able to do My will, knows that he has been given Eternal life and will live with Me forever.

As long as you are susceptible, that when tempted you fall prey to the thinking that you have arrived, think again. The success that you chase after will end up leaving you empty handed. There is no joy or satisfaction in what the world marks as true success. To gain the world and forfeit your soul is a horrible cost that many will encounter.

To gain the world and forfeit your soul is a horrible cost that many will encounter

True success come in knowing who I Am. That I am the One True God, who sent My Son, and this is the Eternal life that He has won. Have I not made known to you the path of life. Are there not eternal pleasures that are forever filling you with joy all because of My presence. I have placed your names in the book of life, rejoice in the fact that we will spend Eternity together.

I have set before the absolute best that I could offer you as son’s and daughters. All that is required is for you to accept My offer. When your eyes see what I see it changes your true perspective forever. Everything that the world values as true success fails in comparison to what I have prepared for those who know Me and Love Me.

True success is your ability to overcome the world and its ways. Your salvation that opens up the door for your true destiny will forever be before you. As you walk through the door, which is My Son you will have been given the greatest measure of what true success is. There can be nothing greater, or that can compare with what I have done for you.

There can be nothing greater or that can compare with what I have done for you

When I see My Son’s character forged into your hearts I see true success. One that will stand the test of time. When you become obedient to My ways and the lifestyle that I set before you it will overtake you with the blessed life, hear and in the life to come.

The key to remember when walking in the successful life is do not allow yourselves to wander from the path of life. You can get tripped up if you start to believe that you have accomplished great things without My ability. The devil loves to sway you into believing that it is through your efforts that great things have taken place. This subtle yet very persuasive temptation will change your outcome, and the cost will be great.

This subtle yet very persuasive temptation will change your outcome, and the cost will be great

Your accomplishments cannot help you or sustain you. The race must be run in which you pace yourself to complete all that is required of you. There is no time to get lazy just because of the things that you have been entrusted to accomplish. Your race is significant for all those who are counting on you to complete every last moment here on earth. Your life counts right up until the final trumpet sounds.

It can be said that the opposite of success is failure. Much can be said how the world looks at it as well. Failure only happens when you quit. Areas where you do not get it right the first time can be seen as growth depending upon which way you see it. The world works very hard at being viewed by others with acceptance, yet for the most part when it come to whether or not I am pleased not much thought goes into it.

The world is striving for success in all the wrong places. What makes this so difficult is the fact that they have already failed because they have excluded Me from their lives, decision and the way I desire for them to live.

Funny to look at it from My perspective. They do not see that the very thing they strive for cost them everything, yet in Me they get for free. Yet the very thing they want they can never attain because they have already failed the moment that they have excluded Me.  It is impossible when you are on the right path to fail. You might get knocked down 7 times, but I know that you will once again rise.

You might get knocked down 7 times, but I know that you will once again rise

When you make mistakes, own it, and then move on. Do not allow it to hold you back, from standing again and continuing on. The enemy will always want to use your past on you, to disqualify your future and your destiny. He has always been a liar and a thief. He has only one purpose to destroy your life from ever becoming who you were called to be.

When you quit the journey and turn and walk away then you fail. Outside of that, see it from My viewpoint. Your shortcomings are designed to help you grow. They are there so that the true character can be worked into your life on all sides.  This is the greatest hour in your life when you struggle through all kinds of issues in life, where you wage war, to-gain the upper-hand. It is these moments that define who you become because of what you have had to walk through.

Your testimony becomes a powerful tool as to what I have done. For what I have done for you, will I not do the same for others?

I Will, and I will use you to do it!!

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