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Walk & Talk …

My Friends, when you pursue Me, it is revealed by your priorities. When you praise Me, you are in pursuit of Me, when you practice My word and My ways, you are in pursuit of Me.

When you pray, and your passion, and love for Me, for My word, and My ways overflows from you … yes you are hard after the one who loves you. For when you serve Me out of reverence for Me, it shows a deep trust within that has been established overtime.

When you pursue Me half heartly it shows up in your walk and talk. You might be able to fool those around you, but remember, it is I who tests the heart. When you allow yourself to become double-minded you are unstable in all of your ways.

When you allow yourself to become double-minded you are unstable in all of your ways.

I am looking for a people who will serve Me with all of their hearts. Who are totally committed to My word, who do not operate with a divided heart. My testimonies are outspoken, straight-forward, right to the point. I leave no room for error. For those who find Me in this place, have a deep personal satisfaction that comes out of their souls, that can only be enjoyed by those who seek Me with all their hearts.

Remember that man looks at the outward expression but I look at the heart. Only I am able to discern the deep places within a man’s heart. All of your attitudes and desires come out of this place. Your heart is so complex, that only I can understand the inner mixtures of it.

It has the ability to be transparent, as well as hidden and concealed in its motives. This is why it is so important that we walk, and talk together. Here is the point, I will always show you the pitfalls that you are not able to see. Your heart when not controlled by My Spirit will always lead you astray.

You see, My desire is to simplify your life, where all the noise that is within is removed. Where we are able to fellowship together in a place that only knows peace. I know that this is hard to imagine, but I say to you that it is attainable. You can experience all the outward external pressures, and yet remain in total peace.

You can experience all the outward external pressures, and yet remain in total peace.

Your eyes, when you walk with Me become filled with Eternal light. It penetrates deep within your spirit that fills your heart and minds. As we walk together, you become more aware of the eyes of your heart. It is this awareness that needs to take place, for it is in-fact your connecting point, to see Me your Father in Heaven. This is the bridge that was given to you. That by My Son’s death on the Cross, it was established for you.

You see, I have placed My eternity within your hearts. There in the chambers of your heart, I have established a longing, that can only be filled by what will bring true life. Everything else will look pale in comparison, to the longing that can only be satisfied by Me. There is an eternal perspective that all of creation longs for. It is a deep longing, that is associated to My fullness of time being revealed.

The deeper you find yourself emersed in My word, where you have allowed My Spirit to teach you all things that are pertaining to My Son, you will flourish and excel. You will reach a point where your spiritual eyes become more aware of the invisible realm, where we will commune together in this place of unbroken fellowship.

This is the place where steadfastness is birthed. When you become fixated upon the things that you become aware of. Where the passion runs so deep that cannot be quenched by anything but Me. This becomes the inner working of My Spirit within your heart, that dismantles everything that opposes my purpose and plans.

This becomes the inner working of My Spirit within your heart, that dismantles everything that opposes my purpose and plans.

The enemy in this place can no longer hide. When we walk together, he becomes no longer hidden but exposed. When he is no longer able to sway you from My Spirit he loses his ground quickly. Where he gained ground in the past is where he was able to get your heart disconnected from My Spirit.

Anytime you allow your heart to become distracted by the things that are offered by him, as a substitute for My Spirit, you have in-fact tried to fill that empty void within your heart with an idol. This is just how easy it is for him to create a wedge between us. It only requires your agreement with him. It is in that moment that you have allowed it, that you have replaced the very thing that brings life.

It is for this reason that you need to gain a heart of understanding, of knowledge, of wisdom. Only then can you begin to dismantle all the workings of the devil in your life. All of this is birthed out of our time together where we become one in that place of fellowship.

Anything that you formulate in your heart will manifest itself good or bad. As you embrace My understanding it will quickly shine light in those areas that have been concealed & hidden. Darkness cannot hide when My illuminating light shines into the crevasses within your heart. Those fractured places become healed and whole, all because you chose to follow and walk with Me.

Those fractured places become healed and whole, all because you chose to follow and walk with Me.

The place of consecration is birthed out of a turning away from what has never worked, towards what will never fail you or ever let you down. When submersed in My Spirit you will become firmly fixed in your belief, as well as your determination to your loyalty and your friendship. No longer diverted to the things of this world, your eyes fixed upon the things that are being seen as eternal.

This is what it takes to expose those areas in your lives where the enemy has had the ability to form idols in your hearts. Only when we walk together, and My light shines forth can you begin to walk according to My purpose, My principals, My holiness, and engage with Me where we commune together as one in prayer.

When you look at the future, and wonder what you should make out of the path that I have called you to walk on, rejoice. Part of the tension that you will face, will always be found in this place of not being able to see clearly, yet walking towards something that only I know the way too.

This is letting go of control. For it is Me that has set into motion how I see your days forward. As you embrace what I set in front of you it will become freeing to you. As we walk together, and your trust increases you will begin to see clearer. Your life is meant to impact the world around you. This is the picture that needs to be imparted into your heart, it is all those who need to meet Me through you.

Allow Me, in this journey that we do together, to bring you face to face with darkness in others, where they will see a great light.  As you become more and more consecrated and allow My holiness to possess you and overtake you, darkness will not be able to stand against you.

You will become My light in dark places. Your light will shine forth in the hearts of others, showing them the way. Your life becomes effective when you allow Me the ability to train you to how I intend on using you. Nothing is more powerful than a life that has surrendered to My process.

Nothing is more powerful than a life that has surrendered to My process.

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Extreme Prophetic Canada

4060 Gulfview
Nanaimo, British Columbia V9T6B4