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Be Firmly Fastened …

My friends, the days ahead required for you to be firmly fastened to My Foundation. If there was ever a time to take hold of My word and allow its power to be imparted into your heart it is now.

Remember it is my steadfast love that has brought you to this point. I have no intentions to stop that in which I have started. Only I can see the future yet it is this very thing that I the need for you to take hold of.

The impartation requires an open heart, one who is open and obedient to the things that will require change.  Allow Me to open your eyes, clear away the fog, and heal your heart. I am calling you to be fixed, firm, stable and secure in who I have called you to be.

I am calling you to be fixed, firm, stable and secure in who I have called you to be

You cannot expect to be firmly fixed to the things of this world, and have a relationship with Me that can flourish. Something has to be defined in your heart where you no longer see the world and its ways as desirable. As long as your eyes are attracted to it, and swayed continually towards it, you are still on shaky ground.

The pull that you feel within your own heart that draws you astray will destroy your future. This is a clear picture of just how strong your soul still is, and where sin still has a gripping hold on what you need to let go of. Only when you become serious about this can you expect true growth. It is here, where you will no longer be tripped up with these temptations that the devil continually uses against you.

As long as the devil has his hook into your heart, you will have a hard time discerning what he is truly trying to accomplish in your lives, that you are not able to see. This is where temptation and desire meet. Here is where sin is birthed. It starts with the temptation, in hopes that it will connect to your desire. Once it has gained access to your desire it fashions itself as pleasurable. Once it has gained access through the pleasure of it, you become overtaken with the passion of it.

Once it has gained access through the pleasure of it, you become overtaken with the passion of it

Sin is crouched at the door of your heart just waiting to gain access. Once it enters, now try and get it out. Not so easy, in-fact, it starts an immediate campaign where the agenda is to conquer and destroy. Once it has gained the access, it forms a stronghold that is designed to continue to feed this access point with more of what you just became trapped in.

Here lies your greatest challenge moving forward. To send the devil to flight once he has gained access to your fortress, will take work. He is looking to implode you from the inside out. He is like a bad virus that requires time to become free from it. Once he has access, he then starts to invite his friends who are not your friends.

Once he has access, he then starts to invite his friends who are not your friends

In just a short order, they now control you, where they built within side of you their own fortress. Your relationship with Me at this point is on faulty ground. Instead of you mastering it, sin has now mastered you. Here lies what you were not able to see at the moment of temptation.

When your desire took over, and your passion started to run strong, you did not take into account the end result of your actions. Had you first started there, at the moment of temptation, your outcome would have been completely different.

Here lies the lesson that you must learn in this battle against the enemy. You need to start to train yourself to see past the initial moment when he is looking to gain ground. He is looking to place it before you in such a way that you will entertain it, without ever thinking about the cost.

Sin is Sidious, with nothing but a path of destruction that it leaves behind. When you do not see the end result, he gains the ground that he is desiring to take from you. His main ploy is to keep you shrouded in darkness, where your heart has become hard and calloused. Darkened by sin you become his victim where he is your task master who demands to be serviced at all times.

What once looked pleasurable, has now bound you to his scheme and his plot. Your peace that you could have had, has been replaced with a life that is filled with continual torment. This is why you need to learn now. The road forward is not easy but you can become victorious.

The road forward is not easy but you can become victorious

Even in this state you can still overcome, and enjoy the life that I desire for you to have. The first thing to understand is that once he has gained access, the only thing that will put him to flight will be My word. When used the way it was designed, it will overtime fill your heart full to overflowing.

This is so important to understand. There is only enough room to serve one. You will serve Me or the god of this age. When you serve Me, you need to become obedient to what My word says and then put it to work. Nothing will change until you do your part.

I have provided everything that you require. Your part is to take hold of it, and put in the effort that is required to change and transform your life. Remember, you once were lost but now your found. My word when embraced will set your feet to dancing on the head of injustice.

The reason that I require for you to walk out of where you are at, is so that you will learn just how important overcoming the power of satin is. You gain nothing, and I have done you a huge misfortune, if all I do is set you free without the understanding that you have gained because of what you have had to walk out.

Your strength comes out of understanding what it takes to become “Firmly Fixed.” It is here where you have had to endure the time that is required to become set free. Where the enemy’s fortification has been removed. It is here where My word over time has filled you up to the point the enemy has been litterly pushed out of what He once controlled.

My word over time has filled you up to the point the enemy has been litterly pushed out of what He once controlled

At the end of it you will have gained a good understanding of the cost and consequences of sin. This is a lesson that is well worth the time that you have had to invest, not to mention the victory that you have attained. One that you will probably not want to do again. When you have had to encounter the effects of sin, and the cost associated with it, My hope is that you will never walk towards it again.

It is for this very reason that your soul has to come into alignment with your spirit. Only then can you have harmony on the inside. When your spirit and My Spirit align, I will accomplish what I desire. As long as your soul has reign over your emotions you will continuously gravitate towards that in which will bring destruction.

When you start to look at the end result to your decisions you will have gained a huge victory. Where you are no longer affected by the ploys of the enemy, then you become someone in whom I can trust with more. It requires a lot of work to gain victory but it is so worth it.

It requires a lot of work to gain victory but it is so worth it

When you become firmly Fastened to Me, we become one in that place. Your part is to learn the consequences of disobedience and the pit fall that happens because of it. When obedience happens it shows Me that you are willing and able to embrace what I will require of you. Obedience opens up the door, where we dwell together in unrestrained fellowship, where the breach that was there has been removed. My word is flawless, and very accurate. It gives life to the simple, and helps them to gain insight they were unable to see.

My word is “Firmly Fixed,” and when established on it, you will become Unmovable & Unshakeable. When you walk in the authority of it, you will see through My perspective, and you will gain insight into areas you have only dreamt about. Your passions have now been aligned to My word, My ways, and My Spirit. Victory comes to those who set their lives according to it. This becomes our greatest hour together. You have become sanctified by My word, and My truth lives in your heart. Nothing can stop us in this place.

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