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Freedom vs. Bondage …

There are times in life where one finds mysteries. A mystery hidden within the heart can only be uncovered when one goes looking for understanding. It takes a brave soul to uncover what lies hidden from the natural eye. Yesterday’s pains and sorrow as well as memories of joy and happiness are both locked in the chambers of it.

It is hidden in darkness, concealed from the natural path of understanding. I guess that in itself is why it is so hard to understand. It can take years to get to the bottom of an issue that has been locked away. Past hurts and pains as well as joy and triumphs are hidden in the same place.

Past hurts and pains as well as joy and triumphs are hidden in the same place.

We have no problem in the joy and triumphs that we have. We can easily recall these moments with the same amount of excitement. We are able to express these moments like they were happening at this very time, and our ability to articulate it to others does not miss a beat.

Yet, not so when it come to the pain and sorrow. The greatest battles we face are seen only by a realm which we do not see. These battles wage war and come to conclusions based upon what they believe to be true. Our unseen battles manifest and come forth with power that we formulate in the confinement of darkness and hidden from all but God.

When we rely upon our own ability to see clearly, we most likely during these moments are only able to see our perspective and not someone else’s. Our own pain hinderers us from being able to see clearly the pain of others. Our own darkness covers our eyes and our ears. We are unable to see and hear the pain that we have caused others because we in these moments where confrontation happens can only speak of our own.

When our perspective is only able to rely on our perception, we assume that we have got it right. Yet we fail to see the value of others. It is these who hold the keys that enables us to unlock the place where we have become stuck. They are able to understand and perceive what has brought us to this point in the first place. Our short comings we do not correctly understand, because of the hurt in which has become locked up on the inside.

Instead of embracing our hurts and those who have caused us pain, and walking towards it, we walk away from it. We empower darkness at that moment instead of light. We operate in hiddenness rather than transparency. We become a closed book instead of an open book, where we become shut down. We become unable to discern why darkness has taken hold of us, and has blinded us from the truth. We have empowered it and need to own it.

We have empowered it and need to own it.

In a battle of words where pain is at the root it can become impossible to navigate your way through the stormy seas of words that crash you upon the rocks of despair. It is here where you begin to hear the whispers of accusation. This finger pointing back biting enemy starts to deal with you because you did not deal with it.

The moment that you start to walk away from pain you are in-fact walking towards a path that in the end will have led you to destruction. What I am learning through pain is just that. You are not able to have both without making a choice. Only one can survive, forgiveness or resentment. One leads to life, and the other leads to death. Only God can correctly understand the deep hidden areas of the heart and the thoughts that have established how we perceive any situation that has caused us pain. Without Gods intervention we are lost without a guiding light.

Without Gods intervention we are lost without a guiding light.

When we allow an offence to become a stronghold we can only see through the eyes of offence. When we see through the eyes of forgiveness, we then see through the eyes that redemption can work through. An offence will build a mountain of justification as to why you are allowed to feel the way you do. It will also create within you a disconnect from what really is true. You will be left feeling jagged and raw on the inside and your emotions will become numb to the reality of truth.

Forgiveness will build a bridge between the two, where unforgiveness will put a bomb on the bridge and blow it apart with no hope of there ever being restoration. One brings life, and one brings death. Yet even that is only seen after the damage or restoration has been done.

Only when we look back at the process and are honest with ourselves as to the feelings and actions that we have carried out in our own hearts can it be seen. In the heat of the battle only that in which you have allowed your heart to be filled with will come forth.

There is no way to correctly discern what has been stored up until friction happens. For most of us we do not focus much attention on this very thing. So, is it any wonder why we fail when we need victory the most. Our hearts have not been train-up or filled up with God’s word. How can I make such a statement? You will know a tree by its fruit. Ouch but true.

When I look back at my short comings with others, I never actually took the pain of the moment and took it to the Lord and gave it to Him. Instead of walking in forgiveness, I have walked in opposition to His word. I have allowed a spirit of death to take hold of my heart and squeeze the life out of me to the point I could no longer breath.

This is an eye to see moment. Yet do I have the ability to correctly see the damage that I have done to myself, as well as others, because I have not ruled over sin? I have in fact allowed sin to rule over me. Now we are getting to the root of the matter.

Now we are getting to the root of the matter.

My job in life is to live a life that brings glory and honor unto the Lord, yet it is moments like this that I fail badly. The point is that the heart if not controlled by the Spirit of God will be controlled by the spirit of this world. So, can a person live a life who has been hurt, yet walk as though it never happened? The answer is yes, but not with out great training of one’s own heart is this possible.

The moment of confrontation is the moment where it needs to be released unto the Lord. Not a week, month, year later, immediately. Only at the moment can one walk free from the sentence of death because one has learned how to rule and govern one’s own soul. This is where I want to be, but not yet there. In the heat of the battle of words, and thoughts, one gets lost past the moment if not dealt with immediately.

The ability is to keep the door shut not allowing the enemy access. Easier said than done. One cannot expect to gain victory if you do not possess the ability to rule over your emotions and feelings. If these two components rule you it will be devastating and the outcome will be failure.

Don’t you know that as long as you do what is right, then I accept you? But if you do not do what is right, watch out, because sin is crouching at the door, ready to pounce on you! You must master it before it masters you. (Genesis 4:7 Voice)

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