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White House

February 23 -24, 2023

In the afternoon on the 23rd I laid down to have a nap. When I awoke, I heard the following statement. (There is not a minute to waste). I find that there are times that I hear things that do not make sense at the moment, but if I do not make note of them, I can lose the very thing that God desires for me to have. So, on this day I made a short note and carried on with my day.

On the evening of February 23, 2023, I went to bed early in the evening and I was awoken at 10:26. I went back to sleep and was taken into a vision hours later where I saw a large Tandem Dump Truck. It had large bold letters written on the box side of the truck. The words took up the entire side of the dump box. The words that I was shown were “White House.”

I was immediately awoken where I sat up in bed and the time on the clock is now 3:07 am. So, again just for clarity we are now dealing with the early morning hours of February 24, 2023. It is at this moment that I hear the Lord speak to me that I need to get up and go into my computer and read my daily devotional on March 07th. This is a recurring devotional that is the same every year it never changes.

I get up and open my computer, and open my devotional for March 07th. The heading on this devotional says it all. The heading of this devotional is “Major Point of Attack.”

I then got up from my computer and went back to bed. I was only asleep for minutes when I was again awoken at 3:33. I look at the clock make a note of it and go back to sleep only to be awoken a final time which was 4:23 am.

When I see 33:3 I always think of Jeremiah 33:3

3:33 – Jeremiah Call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things. (Things that are inaccessible, hidden can only be revealed by the Spirit)

When I see 4:23 it is in refence to a word that I was given many years ago (see reference below)

The thing that I have learnt over the years is that there is nothing that is by chance when it come to insight that the Lord reveals to us.

Keeping track of all the details at the moment that they happen is crucially important. If we do not keep track of it at the moment, within a short while you will begin to lose the clarity you had been given.

With most visions for me comes an interpretation. This one is pretty simple.

We are dealing with the “White House” of United States. It is going to be a “Major Point of Attack.”

It is going to be a large attack because in the vision a Tandem Dump Truck was used.

Key points to pray about;

  • Tandem Dump Truck
  • White House
  • Major Point of Attack (Devotional title March 07)

I was awoken at these times 10:26 pm on February 23, 2023, and was awoken at 3:07. 3:33, 4:23

  • Parts still needing clarity 10:26 represent what

4:23 is referenced in a yearly diary that I have with words that I have received from the Lord. He has used this reference number of remembrance to me personally that this is important take note of all that you have been given. This word is found in my 2020 yearly diary on April 23rd.

This is the word;

April 23, 2020 (DN097)

My friend today as I stretch forth My arm you will begin to see signs, wonders and miracles. Today has been on my sights for a long time and now it comes forth. This is amazing for Me to see the effects of My plan coming forth. It is unstoppable, you will not be shaken in this place. For we are taking steps forward never to look back, sights fixed upon the vision that unfolds now.

Disclaimer: This is a personal word that is used to reflect His plan operating through my life. His plan for my life will not be stopped or shaken. Each time this word has been used it has represented a vision that I have received. This word by no means declares that God is in any way planning an attack on the “White House.”

The only part that is still without clarity is 10:26

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