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God’s Voice Activates Faith – A001

This cannot be stressed enough. Your ability to Hear God’s voice will advance you in the days ahead, or you will be left, in chaos wishing you had invested the time.  We are living in very sobering times. When we clearly single out God’s voice, it becomes instrumental. Instead of blundering our way forward, blindly trying to walk in the dark, we have the ability to walk in His wisdom, which will guide us, and protect us.

God’s voice is truth, and once it has been received, it can be totally relied upon. Our confidence, is in our ability to discern His voice, from all the voices that bombards our daily lives. It is His voice that activates faith in our lives. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”.

God’s voice speaks forth a rhema word, a word that speaks of now. It is in the present tense, and when we recognize His voice, it activates our faith. Our faith comes by what we have heard, how we have received it, and the activation of it.

We need to act upon what we have heard, or it will profit us nothing. The bible says that it is impossible to please God with out it. Faith is at the core of our relationship.

Our part operates out of obedience. God is always speaking, and giving us sound council. Have you ever seen the sign board: “God Is Speaking R U Listening”? All Christians have the ability of hearing God’s voice. Most believers’ lives are so busy there is little or no time available. It is in stillness, not busyness, that we are able to hear that small still voice … The bible says: “be still and know that I am God”.

We are all at a turning point. Will you hear His voice, and act upon what you have heard? Honestly, there is no better time than now, to realign your life, and draw near to the one who is waiting.

Simply put, for us to receive a rhema word from the Lord, it requires action on our part. We receive the word into our hearts, responding to it by faith, which in turn activates it. Will you set aside the busyness, and enter His stillness, so you can hear all that He desires to say?

Don’t allow the turmoil, to drown out your moment of hearing.

Prayer: Dear Lord, so many things distract us, from the one in whom can save us. Open our eyes to see, to see what You see. Help us to embrace your voice, with a strong “Yes Lord” in our hearts. Help us to understand the hour in which we live, the storms that you see, that we really need to be ready for. Help us Lord to find our way, through these perilous times.

Verse: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17 NKJV

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