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Stay Focused on What Counts

Life is one big sign board. We are continually encircled on all sides, with messages that are conflicting. These things are good and bad. The messages can push and pull us in all sorts of directions with no real clarity.

These things are meant to control our ability to discern, which a lot of the times leaves us feeling very unstable. Our purpose in life, requires that we engage in those things that will ultimately bring us to our destination on time. The very thing that will kill the momentum, is those very things that chew away at, what little time we have. These distractions enviably derail or shipwreck our future.

Do not get to the end and realize, that what could have been never was, because you allowed the distractions of the day to over ride the things that needed to take place. How successful you are, will be determined by how well you govern your time.

Remember it is God who has a purpose and plan for your life that only you can do. Don’t allow the life that God wants to give you, get ship wrecked cast up against the rocks. Identifying these distractions is crucial, to accomplishing all that you were called to be. Ask God to give you wisdom, and a strategy to discern those areas that need to be dealt with.

Prayer: dear Lord Jesus, help me to see the path that you are setting before my feet. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on what lies before me. Allow my life to accomplish all that you have called me to be … Amen

Verse: ‘Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions. (Proverb 4:25 TPT)

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Extreme Prophetic Canada

4060 Gulfview
Nanaimo, British Columbia V9T6B4